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“Do the work that earns your livelihood with determination but do not stop at that. Befriend at least one of the arts, be it literature, music, painting, acting,… Your work will help you live but the art will give you a reason to live.”
- P. L. Deshpande
There is no age limit to learn music. Children’s intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy development is enhanced by music. For adults, music acts as a stress reliever and a brain trainer along with many other benefits. For those who think they have missed out on learning music in everyday hustle bustle of life, we believe, you have not!

Djembe is a musical instrument from West Africa. The word Djembe comes from a phrase ‘Anke dje, anke be’ meaning ‘everyone come together in peace’. At ‘Trk Dhoom’, we strive to live by this message.
Ustad Taufiq Qureshi, in his pioneering work of taking the traditional rhythms of India to world music, popularized Djembe playing in India. He has developed a unique rhythmic language to adapt the Tabla syllables on Djembe. At Trk DHOOM, we attempt to teach this style along with rhythms and percussion instruments from around the world. Trk DHOOM’s Djembe unit is associated with Ustad Taufiq Qureshi’s Rhythun Academy of World Rhythm (RAWR). The name- Trk DHOOM that represents Tabla syllables is also given by Ustad Taufiq Qureshi.
The strengths of Trk Dhoom include-
- passionate and experienced team,
- individual attention to each student,
- natural and scenic learning environment, and
- affordable fee structure
Students of Trk DHOOM get opportunities to play in different events and programmes around the year such as the Lit Bug Festival, Chocolate Festival, during Ganesha festival and Durgapuja.
British Neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks said, ‘Nothing activates the brain so extensively as music’. There has been a huge research on power of music as therapy for neurological and behavioral disorders. Djembe is used as a means of music therapy too. At Trk DHOOM, parents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have found it effective for strengthening attention and focus, reducing hyperactivity and building social skills.
We also have a unique method of teaching in which young children (4-6 years) accompany their parents who learn Djembe at Trk DHOOM. The children play around while listening to the parents play. These children then naturally start playing Djembe.

Indian Vocals
Introduction to music in early ages helps children in their cognitive development. At Trk DHOOM, we conduct workshops on ‘Introduction to Music’ for children in the age group of 4 to 6 years. In this workshop, we introduce children to different types of songs, musical instruments. We have activities such as singing simple songs, listening to songs, watching music videos and reading music related stories.
For children in the age group of 6 to 8 years, we conduct an activity called ‘Friendship with Music’ (‘मैत्री संगीताशी’). In this workshop, we have activities like introduction to Indian classical music, handling musical instruments, singing songs, knowing about different Taalas (rhythms) and Indian Ragas (melodies).
For girls and boys above the ages of 8 years, there are separate music classes. For women who like to sing but did not get time to learn music before, there are special classes. They are taught songs that they would like to sing. We arrange sessions for analyzing music videos and also attend music concerts together. This helps learning listening to good music.